Does anyone know where the dipstick is located to refill transmission fluid on a 1991 acura integra gs?

Asked by hayngurl0094 Jun 02, 2011 at 07:56 PM about the 1991 Acura Integra GS Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Bought the car from a private owner, failed to ask where the transmission fluid is and i see a yellow dip stick handle between the distributor cap and the air filter(well that general area anyway), but not sure if that's what its for! Did not come with a manual. Please help, need to change or check so can keep up with. Want to cut back on expenses if its something i can take care of myself.  (Chick Car)

4 Answers


Hi, You bought a really reliable car. I have a '91 with a manual stick shift. If you have an automatic, that dipstick sounds like the one to use for the transmission. There should be another one directly in front of the engine that's used for the oil. The best way to check is pull out the dipstick and look at the color of the fluid on the end. If it's pink, that's automatic transmission fluid. If it's brown or black, that's probably oil. Another tell-tale sign is the smell, as automatic transmission fluid has a distinct odor. Hope that helps.


Automatic has a dipstick, manual tranny you fill on the top of tranny, great car im a happy owner

1 people found this helpful.

1995 acura intagra hatch back -look straight down left shock mount under hook-there where they hide the trans,dip stick

1 people found this helpful.

How do you check the trans fluid on a 1993 manual Acura integra

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