2007 H3 Hummer stopped as I was driving?
Asked by Guru9Z2BDC Dec 16, 2020 at 06:10 PM about the 2007 Hummer H3 4 Dr Base
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My H3 Hummer stopped instantly as I was driving and will not crank. The lights
and radio both comes on. Has anyone had this problem?
8 Answers
Do you hear any clicking from the starter or does it try to turn over when you turn the key? May be any to check the battery charge and make sure it's giving enough power. 12 volts will run the cabin but it takes 12.6 to start it. Anything under 12.6 is too discharged to start an H3. If the battery is pretty new I'd test the alternator too to be safe, also if you replace the battery splurge on it a bit and get one that can run plenty of aux power.
Guru9Z2BDC answered 4 years ago
Hello, There is no continuous/repeated clicking from the starter. It does not make the sound as if it is attempting to turn over. The only thing it does is click once and that is it. The engine light was not on and did not come on at all.
Ok if you have another good battery to swap in you can test to see if it will start that would be the best option. If not you can take this one to an auto store and they can test it/charge it if need be if they think it's good or if it's definitely not good you can get a new one. Since it has the click once thing going I'd say it's just not getting enough power but there is also the possibility the starter is bad, I lean to it being the battery because it just cut off on you like that though.
Guru9Z2BDC answered 4 years ago
Someone came out to look at it and stated it's possibly the starter or alternator. They gave me a quote of $1100 to fix/replace which includes labor. Is that reasonable?
Both of those parts are around 100$ and labor shouldn't be more than an hour to replace both. 2 if they're super slow. So that price is insane. I'd get a second opinion or if you're somewhat savvy taking those two things off and testing shouldn't be too bad. Most part stores should be able to test both of those things, auto zone.in particular I know does. There are some good videos on removing these. Just a few bolts each electrical connections and a tensioner pulley.
Guru9Z2BDC answered 4 years ago
Very helpful! Thanks I am no where near savvy when it comes to car repairs. I've only had to change my tire and needed help with that.
Guru95H35H answered 4 years ago
Update on my H3 Hummer, I had a starter put on and turns out it was the timing chain. Waiting on estimates for that.