LED lights are out. Maybe a faulty diode? How do I know? Can it be replaced?
Asked by migration_Lindasue Jan 27, 2013 at 03:12 AM about the 1998 Buick Regal GS Sedan FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My car has a place that shows average
mpg, miles left to go and current mpg.
(Called driver info, located beneath
tach). It used to work then stopped.
Same thing with my climate control
info. The unit works. Heat and air and
fan. But it used to show the temp I set
and outside temp as well as fan speed
and direction of air (windshield, vent,
floor). I have dash lights (tach and
speed). All lights work that are
connected to the light switch. Also all
sensor lights show when starting car
(red and yellow).
22 Answers
Test your alternator! Or test your fuses.
migration_Lindasue answered 12 years ago
Fuses have been checked. The LEDs are lit on the radio. The climate lights went out first (3 yrs ago). Then the driver info (1 yr ago).
That helps a lot, well maybe the leds behind are out, have not ever seen that happen but I suppose it could, I have a diagram of the console and where these lights are, but just off the top, it's not an easy fix. The boost gauge and mpg, avg. miles etc down by your left knee,, isn't that hard but I am not real sure about the others. I am online right now with the Rolex 24 hrs. Daytona and it will complete in about 2 hrs or less so I will look for that diagram after that.
by the way, that was a damn good reply to my request for more info, great job.
Just thought of something Lindasue, sounds like you are a Regal GS lover so I am going to send you a link via your account message center a private message. This will help you with what ever you want to do with your Regal but it's SECRET... LOL don't tell anyone !
migration_Lindasue answered 12 years ago
Thanks for the compliment on my reply. Also thanks for the link. Gonna try it soon. I love my Regal and am kinda obsessed with all things working properly. If I can fix it reasonably I surely will. You are the only one I have found who may be on the right track. You are awesome. I am grateful.
You are very welcome, I am the same way with my Regal, and your thanks means a lot to me, for most of the people here asking question or anyone frankly do you ever see a thanks and yours means a lot to me, I just love the Buick Regal . I personally think that the gals in particular who are getting out there and doing this work are really cool and I am more willing to help you and I am going to send you another personal message with a direct way of reaching me. It is almost impossible to write a step by step approach to repairing anything on this site so I attempt to steer a person in a direction where they can get a more detailed idea especially when I see someone who is really serious and loves their Regal as much as I do and I will do what ever I can to help. Some people though are just hopeless, but most certainly are not !!! That I could tell by the way you took your time and answered my question right to the letter and that gave me a perfect image of what you are seeing and hence a better idea of what needs to be done or at least in what direction to go. We will see and maybe I will learn something in the process, doubtful though because I am so brilliant, just BS'n you, I do some really dumb things and have on my Regal, believe that, but sometimes that's part of the learning, unfortunately at times. I am retired so I am if not looking after old Mom, building on my cars or friends cars, so don't hesitate if you have a question as I am never that busy to answer someone who is serious. That link I gave you is good for seeing say what's behind the dash and an idea of what is involved and will give you an idea of what a ridiculous price for parts is. The diagrams are most helpful as you can click on them and enlarge them. Especially when it comes to repairing those lights. I have not had to do that on my 98 but I have been thinking about it and I do know that some guys, not here, have gone in and done it just to change the color of the light output to like to blue or red and not that ugly green. I don't know if you have clicked on my engine there to the left of this message and looked at my blue 98 but I have considered the blue cluster gauge lights and blue interior lights when you open the doors. I don't know how long you have had your Regal and for some reason I am thinking a couple years, maybe from one of your messages. Anyhow if you need like an owners manual I can show you where to get one of those and a great place to find info is a RegalGS.org and look at the interior section and you may get some info on those lights, just a thought and that's where I got to thinking about changing to look of my dash. And don't forget that you need to check your supercharger oil, LOL, anyhow thanks again for the compliment and the thank you, I really appreciate that. Check you private message at your account, talk to you later.
OK, now I know where I got an idea of how long you have had your Regal, from you first answer to the first funny suggestion to you, oh boy, alternator? I don't know how you didn't take off from this site right then. Those kinds of suggestions bug me or worse.
I also need to apologize to joef about my stupid comment about his answer regarding the Test your alternator! Or test your fuses. That was not called for and I am sorry.
terryray717 answered 11 years ago
Can you post the helpful info in the post as links, my Regal has the exact same problems, ie no driver info center light up nor digital heater control light. Thank you
Hi, the issue with the lights was mostly resolved via personal email and unfortunately the fix is not so easy. If you have checked that your head lights on switch, the one you pull out to turn on the head lights IS turned all the way to the right as turning the knob for the headlights dims and brightens the console lights including the heater unit lights, so if your sure that's all the way turned clockwise, then it's a big problem. I researched everything possible on repairing what is wrong and it is NOT an easy fix, like I even thought at first, like changing a bulb or something. The fix really was to buy all new cluster, for the dash or have someone who knows electronics to do replacing of the actual lighting parts, which involves soldering and complete dismantling of the entire dash, I really wish it was a simple answer for you but it isn't. If you have anymore questions please feel free to get hold of me.
1968gtofan answered 11 years ago
The cluster lights can be reaired by removing and sending in to spedometer repair shop. there are a number of places that will fix for about $125.00. ggogle spedometer repair or instrunent cluster repair
Have you ever pulled at cluster? LOL Remember how good it looks right now. How long have you owned your Regal pal. Not meaning to offend you, but you can just go to Youtube and look for any W-body model and search cluster repair and see how it's done, while you do that look at the dash and what it looks like. When LindaSue and I talkeed about this last month I went out and took the cluster out of my 2000 and it was not easy or quick. I also repaired the stepper motors, then put it back together, LOL fun...Glad to see another Regal lover though, I own all from 98 to 2003 except the 97, GSX, 2004. I really love them. All are mod out as it's just to much fun and a fast sleeper.
1968gtofan answered 11 years ago
yes pulled clusster out took 10 to 15 min to pull and send in the you tube video is a scan no offense take it to a professional especially if your struggling to remove
@1968gtofan, It is entirely possible that I was going at it wrong and may have done more than necessary. I don't understand what you mean about the you tube is a scan or is that a typo, scam? I am a Regal GS guy through and through, and I see you are to, so I am always up to learning anything, so if you can point out to me the video you are talking about, if that's what you meant I'd appreciate it. OH, the comment about "don't forget to test the alternator" was a inside joke to LindaSue, the lady who started this post and it's only now that I reread it and it sounds like I was talking to you, no way pal and sorry if it sounded like it. I also think I saw a mention in your garage about RegalGS.org, if you go to my garage look at the second Regal down, that's the flagship Regal from GS.org and the guy though up in Canada offered to sell to me, I was in shock and the possibilities was nearly impossible for me to buy it, as that to needed at cluster change from KM to MPH to meet U.S. NHSTA rules and then import fees and shipping from Ontario, I was really bummed out about not getting it, put did what I think is a fairly good write up in my garage about that car, it's the white GSX. I do love all Regal Lovers, period...and I don't even mean any offense to you, I am extremely skilled mechanically and if I did overkill the removal I would love to know what it is that I can NOT have to do the next time, so if there's a vid or other please share? I pulled the cluster and was my first time only to see about helping LindaSue figure out just how hard a fix it will be for her, as she is very skilled I believe, but when I watched the vids about the soldering I thought that would be a bit much for the average person, any idea on that and how long have you been at GS.org?
These are just a couple of vids I was referring to, ...... > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypcEuXecZdU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiMKbe_Byjg&feature=endscreen&NR=1 <................
Only part of what I posted showed up, don't know what's wrong with this site.. the vids you'll have to watch how you cut and paste them as they look screwed up know.
chris696982 answered 9 years ago
dont buy a knew cluster it needs knew resisters in the cluster i fixed mine two weeks ago for less then 20 bucks there are four resisters and when i opened the cluster i only had one left so i shuddered four new ones and it all works now and it only took me 15 mins to fix