HELP!! Transmission problems


Asked by Erik May 09, 2022 at 07:59 PM about the 2006 Mazda MAZDA3 s

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Can someone please help me, I have a Mazda 3 2006
and I swaped the transmission on it for a newer one
same year and everything, it drove perfectly for 3 or 4
months and then all of a sudden it took a long time to
get to 3rd gear and the AT light came on (AUTOMATIC
TRANSMISSION) but it disappeared and then came on
for a few seconds and disappeared again. I checked it
with the scanner and it said LOST CONNECTION WITH
TCM I checked it again the next morning and the
scanner didn't say anything and the car ran fine and
then it did it again and the scanner said the same thing
again. Should I replace the TCM or what could it be?
Plz help.

3 Answers


Sounds like a wiring problem between the TCM and the transmission. Most likely an intermittent bad connection. Hope that helps! Jim


So it took me a long time to fix this, mostly because I had other things to take care of, but I finally fixed it, so I realized that the TCM would mount on top of the transmission ( obviously) but it would overheat so I got a new tcm cause the old one was a little too old, and placed the new one where the brake lines are with some zip ties lol and it works perfectly.

1 people found this helpful.

As others have said, could be connection to TCM or TCM. repair-tcm-tcu/ A couple links for the next person referencing this problem

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