I have a car that has not moved in 12 years
Asked by vansk8er7 May 25, 2022 at 11:04 AM about the 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix 2 Dr SE Coupe
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a car that has not moved in 12 years, now when we tried to push it
of its location, it will not budge. Any reasons why? Its been put in neutral,
brake is off, can't get it to roll. Trying to "push" a car to a location so that it is
accessible to be towed away
11 Answers
Most likely the hub bearing assemblies are rusted to the point that they're locked up. You can just drag the vehicle with the tow truck when they get there. Hope that helps! Jim
Thank you for that. I will look into that. Problem I have is that I do need to move it to a spot where the tow truck can actually get it. But again thank you for the answer.
beatupchevy answered 2 years ago
It was driven there to park it why can't a truck get to it ? The truck has a wench ,
Most common is the brake pads rusting to the brake rotors. And if it has rear drum they can also rust to the brake drum.
beatupchevy, It's parked in a very difficult spot. It's in a carport with a wall on the drivers side. A tow truck cannot fit in the area it needs to, to get to the car. The car needs to be pushed out of the spot, then pushed around a sharp right corner.
Thank you G A, I will look into that as well.
beatupchevy answered 2 years ago
Get some penetrating fluid ( not wd ) and spray the drums and calipers from the inside , let it sit and bang on the wheels with a hammer , then take it out of park and rock it back and forth it'll move .
VRoom12345 answered 2 years ago
I've seen some tow truck drivers get vehicles out of tight spaces before, they can drag it using chains and such. Nothing is impossible.
beatupchevy, thank you for the help. I will try that out.
VRoom12345, oh I am very aware of tow truck drivers getting cars out of tight spaces. This space is very difficult. Nothing is impossible, that is true. It can be done, it's just gonna take some time, work, and patience.