Do I need a Rear AC Alternator if my car has rear ac


Asked by Ms Apr 13, 2020 at 07:19 AM about the 2006 Ford Freestyle SEL AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

my alternator is bad and I don't know whether to purchase the alternator that
work with rear a/c or the one with out

6 Answers


If your vehicle is equipped with rear AC, then you must purchase the alternator rated for that vehicle

1 people found this helpful.

Okay I keep getting told that I do not need the one with rear ac, but I do have the vents in the console and I control them from the front. The buttons say for rear ac vent.

2 people found this helpful.

What is important is the amperage rating of the new alternator is the same as the old one. You need the 130 amp alternator. I just looked it up and there is a difference between with or without rear air conditioning!! Hope that helps! Jim

They are all 130 amps so what is the difference I have one now that I have to replace they all look the same and all of them are 130 amps.


They're not all 130 AMP alternators. Without rear air conditioning calls for the 120 AMP alternator. With rear air conditioning calls for the 130 AMP alternator. Even though they might look the same, they're not. Hope that helps! Jim

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