It says steering column and starting on my 94 Isuzu trooper

Asked by Judy Jun 24, 2022 at 11:44 PM

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Okay we just put a steering column and an
alternator and to my 94 is 63 trooper and
now the lights come on everything works
everything starts to work except when we
turn the start it to start it doesn't make a
sound at all there's no sound at all there was
no problem with the starter when this all
began but I was just wondering if we missed
something in the in the open in the steering
column or if we miss something and put in
the alternator or why why doesn't it even try
to start when we turn it to start you can
please help me with this I would appreciate
it thank you so much

1 Answer


If this is a column shift is the neutral safety switch properly adjusted? Try starting it in neutral. Hope that helps! Jim

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