2001 FIord Ranger crank/no start
Starts with starting
fluid but dies there
after. Help
2 Answers
throttle body, most likely. The TB is the modern design of carburetor. It's just is to idle the motor after start. I have a 2003 VW, just went through this same problem. Runs just fine. I have now 3000 miles on a throttle body from a refurbished parts store, 30 day guarantee. Runs just fine, AND the TB is off of an Audi A4.. same exact parts as the VW Jet. Good luck
you could also have a defective fuel relay. The FR is MUCH cheaper than the TB, go with the TB first. The relay tells the pump to send gas to the block. But it has to report to the ECU to get that information after the MAF reports how much air it's reading)). Good luck