Is lifters a easy fix?


Asked by Shaaron Aug 10, 2020 at 11:23 AM

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Hi again!, I was just told that the problem with my vehicle,
which is a Pontiac aztek 2003, that the lifters in the engine
need to be fixed.  Any known aztek drivers had this issue
before.  Is this something that can be fixed?

2 Answers


Sure it can be fixed, but at what cost. Replacing the lifters involves removing the heads off the engine. If you are going to that extent with an older vehicle, your best option is to rebuild the engine or replace it with a used one to save on labor cost. You are taking thousands of dollars. For a 2003 Aztek, that is worth $2000 on a good day with the fixed engine, I would personally would not invest the money and start looking for a replacement vehicle.

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