1998 ford f150 ignition switch draining battery
Asked by Guru95G62P Jan 22, 2021 at 03:37 PM about the Ford F-150
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
ignition switch does not turn off, my 1998 ford f150 stalled and then started by itself. when running it continues to try to engage the starter
5 Answers
Guru95G62P answered 4 years ago
Which part? The ignition key assembly or the switch under the steering column?
beatupchevy answered 4 years ago
The ignition switch isn't that hard but there's details you have to watch . What switch is under the column ? Are you sure it's not the wiring at the starter or else where ? Is there play in the switch ?
Guru95G62P answered 4 years ago
It is a 1998 ........ Yes there is play in the key switch. The truck will not turn off all the way, meaning the engine shuts off but the electronics will not shut off all the way. There was a continuous buzzing noise that would buzz till the battery goes dead. I could not shut it off. The electronics never shuts off. the switch is under the column that turning key makes move (white or eggshell) colored switch. Or the Key assembly on the steering column?
beatupchevy answered 4 years ago
If you're capable and can reach the wires just hot wire the system with a toggle switch and a button , you'll need the key to unlock the column I think but it would be a dummy electronically ,, Hide things if you think it'll get stolen , otherwise pull things apart , or get new parts , What I was used to in those years was the ignition key switch had a " pinion gear " at the end that rode a " rack " that was the switch .But I don't recall anything visible from under the column .