Serpentine belt replacement
Asked by Sharla Jan 04, 2023 at 05:13 PM about the Suzuki Grand Vitara
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Tensioner will only move counter clockwise
and not release the old belt for replacement.
We placed the alternator and need to put belt
back on that but we have to take the
serpentine belt off first
6 Answers
beatupchevy answered 2 years ago
They may not give you a lot to work with , release the tension and slip the belt off the alternator or other pulley that can be reached easier instead
I loosened the two bolts on the tensioner and cannot get the belt off at all. The one of the alternator is already off. I have to get this other off in order to put one back on the alternator and then this one back on
beatupchevy answered 2 years ago
It's not fun , that's why they charge so much , none of us were born mechanics we had to learn , U-TOOB has many videos on a variety of subjects
Thank you for trying to help. Think my next step with be just remove everything out of my way and try it that way or. If I can ever get it off which means I may go and and cut it off and try to walk the new belt on after I get the alternator belt I place. Been around cars and trucks most my life and haven’t had one this difficult to work with. Even for a girl
beatupchevy answered 2 years ago
Don't cut the belt it has to come off just like the new has to go on ,, the new one may not be correct , Pay attention to how things come off and make sure there is a diagram(s) how the belt(s) go on .
Job done. We wound up cutting the belt and was able to walk the new one on. Not sure why the tensioner was giving us so many problems unless it was way to much tension on the old belt anyway. Everything is working properly. Thank you for everyone’s input.