why wont my sons 2003 mazda speed protege start/


Asked by Russ Mar 09, 2014 at 07:44 AM about the Mazda MAZDASPEED Protege

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

kid come home from work said his battery was dead. I went to see what I could do..noticed his positive cable was loose . wiggled it around a bit....it started. got it home , put it in the garage. put new cable ends on...will not start. wont even turn over. small clicking sound when u turn the key but when u turn it all the way to start the engine?? nothing!!  any suggestions??

7 Answers


Not sure on how old battery is.i didn't check cause when I got a good connection on the positive cable...it started right up.i did not change the negative cable cause it looked ok.i did take it of and cleaned it up and put it back on. Checked the switch on the clutch pedal too.that works fine.im pretty mechanical inclined.im kinda stumped on this.u think the battery??.I was leaning mor towards the seliniod??? But when I found where it was??? Holey crap!!! How the heck ya get to it with out removing half the motor??? Any way , I'll check the battery..put my charger on it for a while .Thank u for Ur input.


Might also try jump starting it. Negative jumper cable on motor. If it then starts you either have a battery or connection issue.


Ok...thanks. why negative on motor? I understand it's grounded...but how does that explain a connection or battery issue? Just wondering .


By passes the negative cable from your battery to the frame and motor of your car.


This will take your battery cable connections out of the loop when calling for the extra amps to start the car.

I had the same problem. Turns out the car is equipped with an immobilizer that get triggered if the battery is either low or disconnected. There is a tiny little button located under the dash behind the steering column. (Took me a while to find it.) You have to hold the button down while starting the car and it should start right away while resetting the immobilizer. Common problem with these cars after changing the battery.

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