will a twin turbo 1995 3.4L v6 camaro beet a 1995 z28?


Asked by Michael May 10, 2009 at 11:40 PM about the 1995 Chevrolet Camaro

Question type: Car Customization

i'm thinking about either getting a twin turbo set up for my camaro or just put in the work for swapping out everything for a z28 set up? what would be faster least costly and easier. i know a guy who can set me up with the twin turbo and everything i need.

28 Answers


The twin turbo will most likely give you more horsepower than the z28. It should also be lighter than a V8 if I'm not mistaken giving you a better power to weight ratio. So to answer your question, my guess would be yes.

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personally i say do the swap and drop in an LT4 engine. theres no replacement for displacement

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Trust me, pull the V6 and use a factory oem crate set up for the 350.......u will be much happier.......put an aftermarket carbon fiber distributer in though....the stock pacage has a heat problem...

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And personally...nothing sounds better than an American V8 ;)

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No, it won't unfortunately. Heh, otherwise most people would just go buy one of these for cheap, spend the money they saved on turbos, and then beat the Z28s. The money it'll cost you to catch up to them, you might as well buy one. I'll run down it with you. Twin Turbo: You'll need 1-3 thousand to put forged internals into your engine/lower compression so your engine can handle it. You'll need whatever the cost is of the turbo and all that comes with it (BOV, wastegates, etc) You'll need a new rear end to handle the power You'll need a new drive shaft so it doesn't snap under twice the power You might need new suspension depending on how well yours was taken care of Basically you'll be looking between 7-15k extra depending on how much you can do yourself, and how cheap you can get parts for it. Swapping: You'll need the new engine A new drive shaft A new rear end Possibly new suspension A K member Electronics for the V8 Any extra brackets/braces. Basically a whole new front end. Cheapest way to beat a 95 Z28.. buy a 98 Z28. Otherwise your wasting ALL of that money.. just to catch up to him. If he throws on any type of induction (turbo/supercharger).. your done.

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well finding a 98 z28 in good condition in colorado is hard i've actually looked at a few. but here's my prices i've found 3,000 for a twin turbo or 6 to 7,000 for a swapp out. i think my next question is will it bet a twin turbo 300zx. my friend and i have been having a who's faster but he went and got himself a 300zx twin turbo and i thought i would work on my car to beet his. i would love to get a z28 to blow him off the road but cost is a problem.

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find me one for two grand and a tranny to everthing to go with it and i'd do that in a heart beat. but yeah i've has problems with my heat already that was a fun month fixing all the damage.


that's what i was thinkin but everyone else said otherwise it's cheaper and lighter.


Hmm.. I don't think it'll be possible with that car. Your car is only about 200-300 pounds lighter, meaning you'd need almost 300 horse to beat him. Basically doubling your horsepower. In order to do that, you'll have to heavily build internals and get a big turbo. Drivetrain upgrades would be a must.


okay here is the issue.. you have stock internals most likely, you have a v6 and you want a twin turbo.. on a car like that you should have a v8 with forged internals so you can handle all the boost. you are better off with a supercharger, you have full boost at basically anything over idle compared to spooling a turbo. expect to drop 6-10 k if you plan on making it drive reliably


The problem with the supercharger though is he won't be able to make as much horsepower as a turbo application.. and for to be able to beat a 300ZX he'll need all the power he can get.


I think the issue with the Turbo and Supercharger application is the reverse: superchargers make more consistent horsepower, whereas Turbo's are far more affected by atmospheric pressure i.e at altitude the turbo will be giving less boost pressure than a supercharger at similar altitude and weather conditions. Turbos suffer from heatsoak, superchargers don't. But Turbo's are more compact and have less moving parts than a supercharger and are therefore utilised more in the car industry(as opposed to 'chargers)-that's what their main appeal is!

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Superchargers have more consistent power for sure! But.. unfortunately.. do not have the potential of the turbos. Turbos have higher top end power and higher power potential.. and he'd need all the power (free flowing not puller driven, a 3.4 wouldn't turn a very big supercharger) in order to beat a 300ZX

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yeah true true its hard to think about weither it would be worth doing all that and the 300zx is light as hell i'd have to find a way to lighten mine a lot no mater what i decide to do


price is on all that is hard to come up to i have a limited 3000 and only 6 weeks to do all the things i need for it.


i found two turbos for a cheep price all i need is the rest and the space within the engine compartment is limited. any ideas on how to make a custom ket for it and a manifold for this kinda thing is hard to frind any ideas on that too?

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haha all i could recommend is try to find a wrecked z28 and see if you can buy the drivetrain from it. you should be able to get in for under $3000. and i believe the LT4 conversion kit is available for $2000 or so. so if you bought the drivetrain and saved for a little bit you could pull the engine out and do the LT4 conversion.

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go to LS1tech.com and see how to make a cheap LS1.....then turbo that

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i agree with @ gavin... you will need a tranny to handle all that power!!! the stock one will break. i think the 3.8L is a better one to mod. you can use gnx power parts to turbo the beast really easily. parts are available and common. imo. happy motoring! :D

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Neither possibility is cost effective. Even if you get a deal on all the components for the turbo setup you still have a heavy cost to tune the vehicle to run without issue, and after that it is still a V6 camaro.. I had crazy aspirations for my vehicles in high school too, In the end, I learned It was much more cost effective to buy something made to run where i wanted. So my advise to you would be to sell your car and buy somthing you can build a reliable bolt-on car with, unless you really have your heart set on dumping thousands into something you'll never get much back out of.

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I have to agree with Dan on this one. Trying to get a '95 V6 Camaro to run where you want it to you are looking at more than just $3000. That price will just about cover the 2 turbos. If you were to install that on the 3.4 you are probably going to blow-up the engine and/or destroy the trans. They just weren't built to handle that type of setup, and that is if you could even get the engine to run. You will be facing serious reliability issues unless you strengthen the engines internals, fine a beefier transmission, and you will need a stronger rear end, not to mention what you would need to strengthen the uni-body and chassis. After all is said and done you are probably looking at between 10-20k and at that point your better off buying a brand new one since after you install just the turbos you will be in the market for a new car, and if you were to build your car up you will never get even close to that price back when you sell it if you were even able to sell it.

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buy as 2000-2002 LS1, slicks stall spray and go fast.

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