I have 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 (5.2L) that bogs down and dies when you give it gas??
Asked by Zach123456789 Feb 22, 2014 at 05:58 PM about the 1998 Dodge RAM 1500
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a 1998 Dodge Ram 5.2L ( 318 ci) that dies when you give it gas..
It wouldn't run on damp days so I changed the d-cap, wires, rotor and plugs and it seemed
to fix things, took it for a good drive and parked it. About a week later I started it and it
fired up fine but when I raved it up it would lose it's power, almost die and the smoke
coming out of the tail pipe was really black.
I changed the coil, didn't help, changed the throttle position sensor, manifold absolute
pressure sensor and the intake manifold air temperature sensor, filled the gas tank up with
high test and put a liter of alc and nothing has helped, the more I run it the worse it gets.
It starts fine, has great fuel pressure ( 49-50 psi) and there are no lights or codes coming
up but when I give it any gas it bogs or dies..
Does anyone have any advice.
20 Answers
i would check for dirty fuel pump or try fuel injection cleaner
Zach123456789 answered 10 years ago
The fuel pressure doesn't drop at al,l it stays between 48.5 - 50.5 psi and dealer specs say it should be 49.2. I filled it up with high test and put a liter of 99.9% alc and a a small bottle of injector/ line cleaner in it and let it idle for about 2 hours and it didn't change anything. I'm going to try the Idle Air Control Motor tomorrow. Do you have any other ideas. Thanks. Zach
Bigdodge1500 answered 9 years ago
Well duh bogs down your intake gasket is bad sucking in oil from the intake check your throttle body look down with flash light you will prolly see oil had same problem
My 98 ram is doing the same thing with a 5.9 n I changed everything but stills does same thing Idles ruff n if given gas itdies I'm stump on it
check your computer .
Newguy99ram answered 8 years ago
Just did it Catch it quickly or it gets expensive
Wildbill68 answered 7 years ago
I'm having same problem what did you figure out please let me know
I had the same problem its the cat
What is a cat? My 97 Ram 1500 5.2 bogs then dies. I pop the clutch hard if I am still rolling and it will start. Then no more problem for the trip. Then after it sits again it does the same th9ng. If it does and it stops rolling I put in the clutch and key start it. This takes about 1 or 2 minutes but it started. That happened 2 times.
Oh yeah the air bag light is on. Not sure if that has any bearing. There are no other light on.
Wrench_Junky answered 6 years ago
Mine did same thing and it was my catalytic converter, how ever I did not smell. But it fixed all my issues.
I have a 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 it did the same thing change the cat had no more trouble
GuruDBZZ51 answered 3 months ago
i have a 1998 dodge ram 1500 drive just fine for about 30 or 40 min then it starts acting like it ant getting no gas let up off of it tap the gas and it will pick up and go change the fuel pump all new took the cat off put all new pipe on it new muffler upper and lower intake gasget new plugs new wire new destibitor still dirvr it for about 30 or 40 min and it doing same thing as if it not getting gas