my 4 wheel drive isnt locking in.
Asked by chevy_girl Jan 06, 2014 at 02:05 PM about the 1997 Chevrolet C/K 1500
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
i put it in neutral push the 4 low button the transfer case locks in and it runs in granny low gears but the front end has no power.when i try to put it in 4 hi it does nothing no noises ,shifting,locking in nothing.ive been told it the actuator but im not sure..i need help diagnosing the problem.ive been working on my own vehicles for a lil over 3 years but have never ran into a problem like a girl i need my 4 wheel drive back badly.thanks for your help.
17 Answers
There is an actuator on the front end for the 4x4. It sounds like that is the problem because you hear the transfer case is locking in.
X2 front axle actuator
Boricuaking answered 11 years ago
Well thank you for your help but it wasn't the actuator in front as I had replaced it already anyways it turns out to be that it was my transfer case shift motor I replaced shift motor n fixed the problem first time doing it and it is a pretty simple job thank you
Take the actuator out and stick a nut and washer make sure the washer makes contact with the metal part on the actuator then just screw it back in and put it in 4wd and u just saved like 90 bucks.
Hey guys I just bought a 97 k1500 and the four wheel drive quit on me I replaced the front actuator I can hear the transfer case motor work and I jacked up the front end and can still spin the front tires but can not spin the shaft going into the front end so idk what to do I wanna fix it myself and save money but idk what else to try
I still don't go in 4 high put motor on trans case 4 low work. Now what wrong
i had the same thing I replace front Actuator and put 3 washer in here,put sometime work then pop out but I Can put it in low 4x4 put won't lock put it in low, but no light on.. , same way in high a another switch that to be changed in the back on top of the transfer case
my 4x4 drive keeps slipeing in two nautle
Mine stuck in 4x4 try put 2wheel drive makes grinding noise tried adjusting it... Can anybody give me some idea...
Hey guys, I have a 97 Chevy k1500. The four low works but not the four high. Do you know what that could be?
On my 2006 tahoe, the 4wd auto works and the front diff engages as needed. But 4 low and 4 high buttons work fine and they engage the transfer case. But the front diff does not lock up?? Any answers out there?
Smccorkle2004 answered 5 years ago
So i also have a 96 k1500 extended cab 4x4, the push button switch isnt working as in not lighting up to show what position its in. I have already replaced the dash switch, the transfer case actuator and the axel actuator and still else could it be??
I have the same problem did ya figure it out
I have the same truck 1996 k1500 z71 and it won’t go into 4wd
I have a 96 Chevrolet Z71 I checked the fuse I checked the actuator lever and it ended up being the actuator in the front end after I had already replaced it it was bad
I got it I got a 97 Z71 all so I can hear it when I send the truck up on my – when I push it in 4hi and 4lo it'll actuate into him but I don't get no response I can power brake hitting only two back tires are spinning so I don't know just because
Ace_chevyman answered 4 years ago
Check your fuses in the fuse box inside the truck there is two different ones I have a 99 Chevy z71 but mine won’t In gage so I just pulled the fuse to it until I get time to fix it cause mine would kick in and out when I’m driving it.