How to fix error code P1000 for Ford F-150 with engine 4.6L of year 2006
Asked by JollySmith Aug 02, 2016 at 06:48 AM about the 2006 Ford F-150
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Make: Ford
Model: F-150
Engine: P1000
Year: 2006
Error codes: 4.6L
Knowledge level: I know little about cars
Help needed: Please help me find out what is going on and how to fix it.
28 Answers
P1000 FORD - On Board Diagnostic System Readiness Test Not Complete - Possible causes - The vehicle is new from the factory. - Battery or Powertrain Control Module (PCM) had recently been disconnected. - An OBD monitor failure occurred before completion of an OBD drive cycle. - PCM Detected Trouble Codes (DTC) have recently been cleared with a scan tool. - This code just means that the PCM didn't complete a full diagnose cycle, and is set when the battery have been disconnected, codes have been cleared or sometimes even when the vehicle have been towed. No scanner it's necessary to clear the code, driving the vehicle for a few minutes (sometimes more) to complete the diagnose cycle will clear the code. Clearing the code will reset the light unless other codes present.
Auto_Centric answered 8 years ago
There is an another issue going on not just this code '1000. Clear the KAM and start the vehicle re scan.
Bottom line, it hasn't completed scanning all the sensors, just drive it for a couple days and it'll gi away
I have a 98 Ford expedition I'm looking for a code p 1000 that came upI think it's to reset the main memory can somone help me
Answer is already given. This code just means that the PCM didn't complete a full diagnose cycle, and is set when the battery have been disconnected, codes have been cleared or sometimes even when the vehicle have been towed. No scanner it's necessary to clear the code, just drive vehicle for about 30 miles to complete the diagnose cycle will clear the code.
I have driven 200 miles and the P1000 is still there. I had the ABS sensor replaced in November it is now January. There are no other codes.
Bullshit answer. Drove almost 2000 miles and still will not read. Mechanics are lost. My nephew said needs a new computer. Rearwipe Ford should know their worthless vehicles enough to tell EXACTLY the problem when this code comes up.
Me too Paul had my abs replaced and wondered if that was cause. It all B.S. EPA and all this commie constrol needs to be dismantled.
I have the same code but my f 150 passed emission rest so, repaire is complete.
2000 ford expedition, P1000 powertrain control module Rom error,. crank but no spark and no pulse of injector at all,. anyone can help me in ths problem?
Did you ever figure this out?
Having same code but truck won't start. It's the only code I'm getting on my ford f150 2004
blainsbrains answered 6 years ago
You have to perform a "drive cycle". This will clear the code faster than driving all around for hundreds of miles. This is the sequence your computer is looking for:
Auto_Centric answered 5 years ago
Auto_Centric answered 2 years ago There is an another issue going on not just this code '1000. Clear the KAM and start the vehicle re scan. 6 people found this helpful.
Auto_Centric answered 5 years ago
It's 2019 buy a code reader (about cost of a lunch) ELM327. Use it to clear the computer Keep Alive Memory (KAM) forget wasting time doing "driving cycle".
In Fords, you can’t just clear the P1000 code because it’s not a true DTC. It’ll just keep showing up as soon as you do another code scan. You unfortunate have to go through a drive cycle. Ford’s drive cycle is very specific and I’d recommend googling it. If you have an advanced scanner, you can see which ODBII tests have not completed (such as catalyst or HEGO cycles). Then you can look up the specific drive cycle you still need to do. For example Catalyst cycle need to be smooth stop and go traffick at speeds between 25mph to 45mph for 10 minutes while HEGO cycle requires steady 40mph for 4 minutes (for Fords). Usually just driving it for a day or two can clear the codes, but if it isn’t, then look up the drive cycle and see if you’re daily commute isn’t skipping a drive cycle, for example if you just drive freeway and no stop and go traffic or vise versa.
I have a 04 Ford explorer p1000 is showing. But my vehicle will not start. It turns over but no fire. Any suggestions on what it could be?
blainsbrains answered 5 years ago
Check your air filter. If it's white and you can see light pass through, then check spark with a tool so you don't accidentally pop your CPU. Voice of experience, you CAN frag the CPU if the spark plugs fire without being adequately grounded. If good, check fuel pressure. If that's good too, then it could be timing (loose chain?) or bad compression.
blainsbrains answered 5 years ago
Roy, goofball answer...sometimes a car battery can be just strong enough to crank the engine but not strong enough to run all the electronics as well. Have you tried to jump start to rule out the possibility of a weak battery?
My ABS don’t look like a washboard anymore, what should I do
OBD system readiness test not complete.........this cord What is the reason
blainsbrains answered 5 years ago
Look up. Clear the KAM then do a drive cycle.
MarloSoBalJr answered 5 years ago
I have a Ford Crown Victoria P.I. with th same issue but the code usually means you fuel injector is not receiving fuel properly. It's something to be address but first try fueling your V8 with 89 octane & make it a habit. Cleaning the intake will help as well. In the meantime, save up the funds to replace the computer module. Most of anything these are hindered by emissions codes to regulate fuel flow but it also confuses the mainframe of the computer when habits break. It's to be addressed but it's not dire.
I have a question. I have a 2001 ford mustang that won't crank ,and when the computer test is hooked up to it .it reads p1000 and that's it.. Does anyone know what this could be?
Jjretiredwrenchtwist... answered 5 years ago
Bad starter, bad battery or frozen motor. Check the battery to be sure it has enough power to turn the starter. If not hook up a jump battery. If so does it click. If not check solinoid. If it does remove the starter and bench test it. If it cranks take a wrench and put it in the crank shaft and turn it to the right to see if you can turn the engine over by hand. If it won’t turn over you have a frozen engine. If it does and the starter works it should turn it over. You should have found it by then.
Hi, I have ford fiesta mk6 2004 model. The car has P1000 code and wont start. Anyone know how to get the car to start?