Subaru 2001 Forester and 2003 Subaru Outback engine compatability
Asked by lubeman1 Dec 23, 2013 at 04:53 PM about the 2003 Subaru Outback
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have available a 2001 Subaru Forester with 80,000 miles on it and have a 2003 Subaru Outback with a blown engine. Both Vehicle ID's have #6 at 6th position on ID plate. Some one told me that the Intake manifold and other accessories will have to be changed but that the actual long block is the same. Is it necessary to change the head gaskets, was told tha this was a big problem with these engines.
10 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
there are a lot of variations over the years....overall I'm gonna say nay~on this...this is just one man's opinion~ buying replacement parts "frankencar"~....see my point?~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
dimensionally the components are compatible? why the hell not?~
what you described is correct Lubeman1, swap the intakes and accessories and you'll be good.
Thanks Nick, any issues with wiring or computer mods necessary that you might think of ?.
none that I am aware of, just make sure everything is hooked up properly and take your time to double check things.
The long block is the same, but to be safe, you may want to change not only the intake manifold, but the cam gears and sensors as well.
Thanks Jeff, you and Mark have been most helpful, God Bless!!
I think you mean Nick :) The easiest way to keep it straight is that the electronics down to the sensors need to be carried over, but the mechanics can stay the same.
When following online instructions for pulling the engine out of the 2000 Forester, I am told to remove the starter that has a difficult to reach nut on the bottom - is it essential that this be removed b4 pulling?