Do I need a separate key for the back hatch on a 1998 Plymouth Grand Voyager?

Asked by dueg200 May 23, 2016 at 07:18 PM about the 1998 Plymouth Grand Voyager

Question type: General

All four keys I have can unlock the driver side door and the passenger side
door. They also are able to start the car. But none of them are able to open
the back hatch. There is no way to open it from the inside.

2 Answers


There is a small plastic disc plugging a hole just above the latch on the inside. Pop out that disk, and use a screwdriver to lift the latch mechanism. It should not take a great deal of force to move the latch. When the latch moves, push the door and it should open.

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REPLY "Once I get it open, how can I make it open from the outside? It seems really inconvenient to crawl back there to open it from the inside."~~ Okay once its opened and you remove the rear (plastic) cover panel inspect the linkage from the lock cylinder to the lock mechanism ...Check all the connectors (electrical) and wires for insulation worn or rubbed off and finally check the (outside) hand GRIP style switch these fail do to water entering them, look close green corrosion. Regards

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