What clutch kit is best?

Asked by 60Apache Feb 22, 2022 at 05:04 AM about the 1960 Chevrolet Apache

Question type: Shopping & Pricing

What clutch kit can/should I use for my 1960 Apache, with a 350 (pushing about
550hp) and a Saginaw 4 speed transmission?

5 Answers


Center force, Zoom. I am assuming your going with a ceramic kit. Not going to be cheap.

Thank you. Another question for you.... Is it possible to tell shaft size and spline count without pulling everything apart? Or do I have to wait until trans is out? Would any of the numbers on the case let me know?


If you can find an old school parts guy he might be able to give you an idea with the transmission number. Most of them have retired but some still work part time so you might get lucky or of you a classic car club in your area you might be able to dig up some information.

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