1955/76 350 crate motor edelbrach 4 barrel 350 trans 3.48 rear end stalls every time it is put in gear. Went thru trany rearend checked for vacuume leaks still stalls any seggestions?

Asked by Capri_2258 Mar 18, 2017 at 05:45 PM about the 1941 Chevrolet Panel Truck

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

3 Answers


Sounds like it has a low/stock rpm stall speed torque converter thats loading engine and dragging rpm's down. Race engine will need a higher idle speed but no where close to 2,000 rpm. Common idle speed is 800-1300 rpm. If it has a big cam and low stall converter it will pull the rpm down too low when going from park to gear. Also check your tune, timing and carb adjustments can play a major role in it stalling out when placed in gear


Total timing may be correct but you if have to much up top and not enough down bottom. Not enough initial timing. Test by pulling your distributor ahead about 1/8" and try the idle situation then. If it idles, that is your problem. Remember you have to readjust for the total by subtracting the same amount you advanced the bottom side. Total should be around 36-38/° total and base should be between 18 and 26°or call the builder to verify. May have pull some total out of your distributor with the pills or adjustments and use lighter springs. Also may have too much line pressure in the tranny and loading up the torque converter. maybe look into that.

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