2011 Camry leaking water???
Asked by sparky5463 Dec 27, 2014 at 06:15 PM about the 2011 Toyota Camry
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Its coming in when it rains and soaking the passenger floorboard and the passenger back floor.Its under warranty but will have to pay 150.00 for diagnostic and they cant tell me if the warranty will cover the problem..Figures!...Can anyone help with this ??
9 Answers
The first two things to check: Sunroof, and A/C drain. If you have a sun roof, check the drain holes in the corners and make sure they are not plugged. If you use your A/C on a daily basis, find the drain tube and blow air through it or run a stiff piece of wire through it. May be plugged with dirt. If you have a bad windshield seal or air vent seal just under the wipers, you will have to take a hose and wet the car. Then take a flash light and see if you can locate the water coming in under the dash.
sparky5463 answered 10 years ago
Will do this sun morning..No sunroof and have not used the ac so wont be those..I did notice water dripping under the glovebox area so it must be one of the seals..Will report back after we look..Thank you for a fast response!!
annbradford24 answered 10 years ago
I am going through the same thing.1999 (with a sunroof though) , fought used about 6 months ago. But here in Texas we havent had rain in forever! well, the first little rain we did have, wha laaa! soaked front floorboard. My brother and I ran some water across the windshield about a month ago,and it leaked under the glove box! Did a little looking at a junkyard to see what was missing/different about my windshield. No little strip of "diverter" black rubber strip on mine.. we bought it, put it on mine and siliconed a little for good measure. Well, yesterday... a puddle (lake!) again.. silicone again? maybe I missed a spot?? It is not a/c (it is Dec/Jan). Not heater.. The car was just parked.. obviously rain.. I am going to try the sunroof drain cleaning (because I SHOULD!), but any other ideas windshield related would be helpful! Sparky5463, what did you find??
sparky5463 answered 9 years ago
well i thought i fixed it sealing the windshield in a area but just noticed it again this yr and think it might be coming from floor..What a fricken hassle!
annbradford24 answered 9 years ago
Mine was the sunroof.As it turns out, sunroofs aren't completely waterproof.. There are these itty bitty drains that drain down near the tires (front and back) . If they get clogged, or the small tubing gets disconnected , or cracked, they will back up into the car.. either front or back.. I spent about 6 hours with this teensy wire trying to unclog the one that was giving me problems.. It took me forever just to find where it was located! I never could find the back ones.. I found a great place here in Austin that services and repairs sunroofs and will take it to them for the back ones when I get a chance.. The do a package deal for cleaning the lines and lubing up the tracks and such..See if you have a place like this in your area..
annbradford24 answered 9 years ago
The shop I talked to also worked on other water leak mysteries and yours might too..
sparky5463 answered 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply's!I took my car today to a mechanic and they still have it tonight..He said it could take a few hrs to find the leak so hopefully tomorrow i get it back fixed for a reasonable price...This and other things have really soured me on Toyota's!..Will post when i find out.
sparky5463 answered 9 years ago
Well it was my air conditioning drain hose that came off so whenever the heater and air was on it leaked in the car.Cant believe it didnt mold and i didnt notice it was wet in the summer when i used the air daily.Yikes!..Very odd.Its gonna rain here in a couple days so will see but they were sure it was fixed buy this.