92 dodge Dynasty has transmission issues

Asked by Clay Jun 23, 2022 at 06:52 PM about the 1992 Dodge Dynasty

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

So, my 92 dodge dynasty (3.3 v6) is in limp mode it down
shifted very harshly 2 weeks ago and has not been able to
shift while in drive since. I have replaced the input and
output sensors and while there seems to be an
improvement to performance, it still isn't shifting. The
speedometer and cruise have not been functional for
some time. Should I replace the third speed sensor to see
if that helps or wait to connect it to a diagnostic scanner?

6 Answers


Have a pro check it out before you put any more cash into it . I'm going to say it's done , kaputz ,


Get it live data scanned before going any further, it sounds like a VSS but the hard downshift has me concerned about transmission problems, possibly shift solenoids, valve body problems or TCM malfunction.

No way to edit/update information. The fluid is clean and no metal shaving came out on the input/output sensors. @GA: I am guessing the VSS is that third sensor I found on the, huh? I have a few options for getting it scanned, but they are $95 with a three day wait period, $65 with what I assume is same day, and free, but I have to wait for the guy to get his scanner from out of state. @Bob_: what am I trying to separate with a floor jack or pry bar?


At 140K almost any sensor is suspect. If you don’t want to wait the try a new VSS, clear the computer and see what happens.

@G A: my free guy is gonna have the scanner in next week hopefully, so I can wait it out. Something else I thought about is a potential wiring issue, but we'll figure that out next week hopefully.

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