97 Deville won't even turn over..


Asked by Deanna Apr 26, 2010 at 07:35 PM about the 1997 Cadillac DeVille

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Hey everyone, I own a 97 STD Deville, It ran well for the first couple of months, and then started to not want to start every now
and then, and now it won't start at all. We had the starter tested, and it's fine, and the battery's normal, too. Everything in the
car turns on, but it won't even turn over.

Does anyone have a clue what it might be? Is this something that happens with Devilles? Like a recall that was never taken care
of..I don't know. Help? I miss my boat...;)

7 Answers


Maybe a bad neutral safety switch or ignition. Does the starter do anything when the key is turned?

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no. It won't click or anything. I've been told it's either ground wires or something to do with the ignition..I'm not sure what the neutral safety switch is. Could you explain?

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check your ignition control module under the coil packs. it sounds like either u need the control module or a coil pack. possibly an ignition coil

2 people found this helpful.

There is a small switch located around shifter that keeps the car from being started while in gear. This can go bad and cause the car not to start. It can be tested with a multimeter to see if it is sending power when the key is on and it is in park. Another way to check it is to try and start the car in neutral with you foot firmly on the brake. If it starts then the switch is going bad or needs adjusted.

4 people found this helpful.

I'm currently having the same problem and what I had to do was tap the starter.

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if you're getting a theft derrant message the resistor is no good. If you turn the key and get everything to work but it won't crank the resistor in the ignition is no, well the wire connected to it isn't. Either change the ignition itself or there's another way.

2 people found this helpful.

1997 Cadillac Seville sls want make a sound when trying to start it please help

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