ford focus security disarming

Asked by chipwary May 06, 2010 at 08:07 AM about the 2003 Ford Focus

Question type: Car Customization

I have a 2003 focus I would like to disable the security system so I can use a non chip key there must be a way.

19 Answers


to the best of my knowledge there isn't without changing the ecu in the car. the chip isn't that much of a hassel. if you want a push button starter or a remote start then just leave the key in the ignition

13 people found this helpful.

Yes. You can purchase a security bypass module. and for parts and wiring diagrams.

14 people found this helpful.

Wow... it has nothing to do with the ECU of the car. Its a completely separate module. It can be bypassed. Heck search "2003 focus security bypass" on google. Don't post if you dont know what your talking about....

43 people found this helpful.

WOW!! I just scrapped,a 1999 explorer,just because of this,very same problem..Tried the GOOGLE security by-pass,thing,spent 400 dollars,and STILL didnt get it to start!!!! DONT POST,IF YOU HAVENT SPENT $$$$ TRYING IT OUT!!!! doesnt work..PAPA is right....

2 people found this helpful.

If you have do not have the chipped key at all, have a new key programmed by the dealer. The local dealer hear will do it for $30 (Key) $60 (Labor) ---------------------------------------------- Install the bypass module ($20 to $30) Some will require you leave the key inside the control box with a radio antennae wrapped around the key, others will duplicate the keys signal. ---------------------------------------------- Wire the bypass module directly to battery, or activate with dome light so that it is actively sending signal to the computer. You can now use a non- chipped key. I have done this on multiple Fords, including the explorer, focus, taurus, windstar... ---------------------------------------------- Or, the rigged way (If you have a chipped key available) Remove the transponder pill from the key. It is located next to the keyring hole, on the longer side. Some keys have a small square on top that can be removed (difficult) and the pill will fall out. Tape or glue the pill near the keyhole. ---------------------------------------------- Thomas.... not sure what you spent $400 on. You should have just gone to the dealership for a new key...

15 people found this helpful.

I took my chip out of my key and tryed to start. My car it dent start so i put it back in and now it wont start at all 2000 ford focus

11 people found this helpful.

I need help, I have a 2003 ford focus, the alarm don't worth but it's draining my battery what can I do to disable it?

7 people found this helpful.

Find the security computer (in the trunk usually) on a focus cut the brown wire with yellow stripe and then cut the purple wire with red stripe wire in a remote switch for the starter (the transponder send a signal to the alternator to make the engine crank) lastly unplug the ring that goes around the key switch it has a module with it unplug both . Crank the starter the car will start I don't this on my 04 focus drive it daily and don't even use a key

44 people found this helpful.

If you don't mind, would you please tell me where exactly these wires are ? I have 03 focus zx3 though. I'm not sure if it'll make any difference.

5 people found this helpful.

Under center console between shifter and emergency brake or left of the brake pedal under the dash module with wire conected

6 people found this helpful.

For the trunk? or is this the way for the zx3? & thanks a lot for responding

5 people found this helpful.

I have 03 focus lost my key and I'm trying to start the car any ideas

11 people found this helpful.

I have a 2001 ford focus se and the security system is not allowing car to start at all it trys to crank and no codes but wont start mechanic said I have to take it to ford to reset security system is there a way to deactivate it and allow car to start with key just not security system?

11 people found this helpful.

It has the immobilizer security system and I need to disarm it completely thanks in advance

1 people found this helpful.

How can I disarm disable security an titheft system on 2005 focus zx4 st?

9 people found this helpful.

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