1994 Acura Integra no engine

Asked by Teggy998 Jun 20, 2017 at 04:54 PM about the 1994 Acura Integra

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

So I have recently found a 1994 Acura Integra no
engine or transmission for only $200 my question
is, is it worth getting this car for the rebuild or
would I be better off finding another Integra that's
already been built?

2 Answers


I would recommend finding one that was still running, so you could tell more about what you were getting into. Electronics can get pretty pricey when they're broken or missing. Take this car, for instance; you could start driving it now and just modify whatever you wanted to next. Or just drive it for another 100k miles or so. (shameless plug warning: I am selling this car): https://cargur.us/kydtJ

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I agree with the above guru, as long as you have the paperwork you can always scrap it and get your money back If needed. If the body is sound, no rust, glass intact, decent tires, brakes, etc, you got a good deal. You can find an engine donor from a ricky racer who has destroyed his body and the engine has low miles on it. Apparently these cars, from my experience, are prone to electrical problems so be prepared for puzzle solving weekends.

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