why my truck wont start
Asked by rubberducky1 Dec 26, 2011 at 02:10 AM about the 2008 Dodge RAM 1500
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
got a 2008 dodge ram quad cab pickup 1500 4x4 5.7 hemi turns over but wont start starter runs on until key is switched off any ideas?
4 Answers
Blacksport answered 13 years ago
My 06 durango hemi does the exact same thing. Thiniking about replacing the starter module, 30 bucks on ebay
tune up or it is a computer problem
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starter motor has not engaged flywheel, check the return spring on the drive pinion to the starter.
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rubberducky1 answered 13 years ago
rubberducky1 here took it to dealer and it was the fuel pump
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